Congratulations to Sara Greenberg. The Hit Men & Her cueist is the new 2019 Carrick Ladies Individual Champion after todays action in the Greenisland WMSC on Saturday 6th April. It's the 6th time Sara has won the title can she make it lucky seven next season ? Opponent Lyndsey Ruddock had two fine wins to reach the Final including putting out last years Winner Roisin Smith, but even though she took a 2-0 lead it wasn't to be as Sara stormed back to take the title in style.
1/ Sara Louise Graham
1-5 Jean McIlroy
Jean McIlroy
4-5 Lyndsey Ruddock
Angie Willis
4-5 Roisin Smith
Lynn Carson w/o Sara Greenberg
Angie Carson
5-2 Clare Roberts
Lyndsey Ruddock
5-3 Roisin Smith
Sara Greenberg
5-0 Angie Carson
Sara Greenberg (Hit Men & Her)
5-2 Lyndsey Ruddock (Alpha)
Ruddock Ruddock
Greenberg Greenberg Greenberg Greenberg Greenberg