Tuesday, 23 October 2012

News from Committee & Delegates meeting 22nd October

NIPA Interleague 'A' Team Captain - Gee Crawley (Rockers). Sunday 20th January, St Comgalls, Larne
NIPA Interleague 'B1' Team Captain - Derek Whiteside (Greenisland). Saturday 19th January, St Comgalls, Larne
NIPA Interleague 'B2' Team Captain - Rab Brown (MSC Trojans). Saturday 19th January, St Comgalls, Larne

Knock Out Cup Semi Final Draw (Ties played Monday 12th November)
Rockers v Greenisland
Monkstown v Scorpions

Knock Out Cup Final (Monday 3rd December) to be played in the Brown Cow, Carrick

Home & Away Cup Draw (Ties to be played Tuesdays 8th & 15th January)
Jolly Beggar v Alpha
Cowboys v Barbarians
Eastway v Scorpions
MSC Trojans v Castle
Rockers v Warriors
Monkstown v Teddy Bears
Spartans v Greenisland

League 3 A Sides venue - Greenisland WMC - (Saturday 17th November)

League Doubles venue - Monkstown SC - (Saturday 6th April)

League Individuals venue - Whitehead GRSC (Saturday 20th April)

League Scotch Doubles venue - Whiteabbey RBL (Date TBC)

End of Season Prizegiving - To be held in the Jolly Beggar (Friday 14th June)

Facebook page - Carrick League official Facebook page to be set up. Details TBC