Wednesday 5 June 2024

Galacticos are SKC Gaming NI League Champions 2023/24

In the Carrick & District Pool League, sponsored by SKC Gaming NI, we have had a tremendous season. There were highs and lows, tense deciders and great fun to be had on match nights.

One team, on paper stood out as massive favourites, Greenisland Galacticos.
Galacticos are a team with a perfectly blended mix of talented, youthful exuberance and
experienced stars from across county Antrim.

Going into last night's match they were 3 points ahead of the last season's champions, Times Bar Scorpions, who they play next week in a postponed match.

If Galacticos reached six frames and gained the bonus point they would win the league.  It seemed the Galacticos were stuttering to get over the finish line. The Q Club were holding their own at 3-3. The formidable Galacticos' Ryan Marcus made it 4-3. Roger Smyth made it 5 -3 and Gary Wallace sealed the vital 'bonus point' frame to secure the SKC Gaming NI league title. The final score was 9-5 to Galacticos. Well done to the Galactic gentlemen and well deserved.

Almost like the equivalent of 'sleeping in' The Greenisland Colts got off to a bad start losing the first 3 games of the evening. The Carrickfergus Bowlers were halted briefly with a 4th frame win by Colt Chris McCurry however it would seem the Colts snooze button got pressed again as the Bowlers went into the half way interval 5 - 2 up
The second half saw the Greenisland Colts waking up a little to make somewhat of a comeback with frames very much tit for tat this half.
The Bowlers were very nearly guilty of celebrating too soon as it would prove a much closer affair than
the beginning of the match would perhaps have indicated.
In the end the Bowlers pictured left had done enough to be victorious with a final 8 - 6 result.

This result took Bowlers off the dreaded 'wooden spoon position in the league which was awarded to them last season.

Best on the evening was Bowler Ryan James Ward the only player with 3 wins from 3 played and best for the Colts was Vice Captain Colin Beckinsale with 2 from 3 and Colt Joe Patton with 2 from 3 also
The Colts would like to thank the Bowlers for their hospitality as they provided some beautiful food and refreshments for all during the half way interval which was both very much appreciated and enjoyed.

In other matches:
Trojans 4 Scorpions 10
Railway Blues 2 QE2 Cubs 12
Tigers 5 Spartans 9
Rockets to Be 3 Rab & Big T's Rockets 11

More reports to follow.